Designing My Future By Being In The Present

Photo by Michael Competielle

Every day I’m designing the future me as I visualize what I want to do and why. As I establish my goals and I aim high, I’ve learned that my actions today have the greatest impact on the future. 

I’ve learned the power of the law of attraction and have been rewarded from the concept. Situations I would never think I’d be in have materialized simply by realizing I could control the outcome with my thinking and beliefs. 

What concepts begin in my mind are organized and fleshed out before I’ll begin to speak or write about them. Various paths are explored on my mind’s journey to the directive. Once I visualize the potential path I’ll then begin to speak of the goals and my course of action.

This brainstorming exercise always creates a cohesive perspective that I’m positive I can execute. The power of the thinking process and dissecting an objective begins the development of a successful outcome. 

Prior to even speaking of a future journey I’ll often jot down the objective and establish my goal. The notation to paper is the way we can bring a future goal into the present. As you look down about the paper that previously stated nothing, wrote down your goal or plan, instantly the objective had materialized. At this exacting moment, it has not come to fruition but the groundwork has been set. 

As we look off into our future horizons determined to be a writer, musician or artist, the end goal of a book, musical or sculpture are way off in the distance. But they are in the picture way off in the foreground. How do we research that goal? That starts with taking steps towards it, keeping on the path and staying focused. 

As we walk towards our goal we will meet many obstacles along the way. Speaking to people of our objective with determination and clarity, the barriers that block the path are lifted as the power of attraction and connection moves the obstacles from our path keeping us on the trajectory to our goals. 

Often we will ask the wrong people for assistance and they may guide us astray by taking us off the path our polluting our positivity. 

As we head towards our future we walk with ourselves in the present. Turning around we can see our past and determine if we are still on target and pride ourselves on how far we’ve come. Our success comes from doing. 

This article wouldn’t even be complete had I not thought about the topic, fleshed out a narrative and placed pen to paper. Looking back I see hundreds of words that have gotten this article to this point. I remain on target to my goal of a completed well-designed philosophy.

Had I never thought about the goals of this piece, I’d be staring at a blank page. Had I not established an objective the words would have little meaning. At this exacting moment, I’m present in my thoughts and immersed in my own timeline. 

Checking in with yourself and determining if you’re on task helps to keep your eye on the prize and determine your anticipated outcome. Wondering how you got to where you are can help us access the path and clarify our thoughts and reevaluate the situation. 

If you are anything like me you have multiple projects, objectives, and goals. That’s where we use the power of our minds to process and prioritize the present moment and keep us moving forward. Distractions and uncertainty can cause negative impacts on our minds and bring about doubt. 

I’ve re-evaluated everything I fill my day with and maximize my time. I’m filling my mind with clear and concise plans and thinking through how I can execute them. I see every positive step as a gain ground on my future goals. My dreams are becoming a reality as I’m designing the best version of me. 

Author: mtcwriter

Michael Competielle is a Creative Designer specializing in Sound, Brand and Experiential Design.

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